
Showing posts from June, 2024

Are You Reluctant To Share Your Burdens With Others?

  Today, I want to share a conversation I recently had with Veronica about whether we should be forthright or polite when asked how we are doing. This is an important question for many Christians who want to live with honesty and integrity but don’t want to burden others.   VERONICA  A question has been on my mind for a few days now, and I would love your perspective. To start off—it isn't good to complain, right? And people, in general, don't like people who complain a lot. Plus, it's not healthy to complain. .  At the same time, it's not good to be dishonest. So, when you have longer periods of time when you aren't doing well and someone asks you "How are you doing today?" for a few days in a row, should you answer with "I'm fine" (and would that be dishonest and inauthentic?) or with "I'm not doing all that well" (and risk becoming a broken record of complaints)?   BR. GILES Your question is a good one, and it...

The Battleground

Monasticism today originated in the desert, with men (and some women) going out there to "fast and pray and do battle with the devil." They began as hermits and eventually grouped together under the guidance of a spiritual father (or mother.) You'll see both holiness in the desert and recognize that it's the place where demons wander. That's nothing to be afraid of; it's simply reality. The desert is where followers of Christ have traditionally gone to find their Lord and do battle with His Enemy.   The desert, a place of tranquility and isolation, offers a unique opportunity for solitude. It's a place where one can feel alone, even in the presence of others. In this environment, if one surrenders to the silence and listens, they can hear the voice of God.   It's also a place where other voices can be sensed. I'm not very worried that faithful Christians will succumb to these other voices. They don't listen to them very much, and so the...